Invite and Manage Brand Users

We believe brands grow profitably when everyone has access to the best data and insights, which is why we don’t count seats or licenses at Decile. You can add as many users as you’d like — teammates, agencies, even those “at corporate.” Each user will create their own profile and login information but have access to all the features available to their brand.


Users are granted one of three access levels (per brand) at Decile:

  • Admins can view/edit reports, create audiences, upload data, onboard audiences and manage users. There must be at least one admin per brand, and there may be multiple admins per brand.
  • Managers can view/edit reports, create audiences, upload data and onboard audiences
  • Analysts can view/edit reports and create audiences

In addition to access level, there are two additional special roles available. A user may have one, both, or neither of these roles assigned to them.

  • Manage Subscription is granted to those who can manage the brand’s Decile subscription
  • Export PII is granted to those who can download/export files containing PII. Currently this role must be requested and can only be granted by Decile. Contact customer success to request.

Admin User Management Actions

Invite New Users

To add a new user:

  1. Navigate to the Users page in the Configure (Settings) menu and select Add User.
  2. Enter the user’s email address, first and last name, and select the access you’d like them to have. You can also add multiple users of different access levels all at one time!

    Note: Additional roles can be specified after the user is invited.

  3. Click Invite. Your new user will soon receive an email with an invite link.

Edit Users

To edit an existing user:

  1. Navigate to the Users page in the Configure (Settings) menu and select Edit Access under the action menu on the specific user
  2. Select the new Access level and/or Role(s) and click Save to update the user’s permissions.

Remove Users

To remove an existing user:

  1. Navigate to the Users page in the Configure (Settings) menu and select Revoke Access under the action menu on the specific user
  2. A confirmation message will appear. Click Revoke Access to confirm the removal.

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