SKU-Level Cost of Goods

What to Include in a SKU-Level Cost of Goods File

You can pass us a SKU mapping file in two primary methods explained below. Your SKU mapping file should be sent as a Google Sheet and updated at least monthly to ensure costs are current.

Method 1 - Change Over Time

In your mapping document input the start_date of a SKU and the timeframe in which the SKU had the associated cost (see sample below)

For example if the cost of a SKU was $18 for orders between 7/1/23 and 10/24/23, and then $19.50 from 10/25/23 to the current date.

On one line put the SKU with the start_date (7/1/23) and the end_date (10/24/23).

Then on a separate line re-enter the SKU with the new price in the cost column and the new start_date.

Here is a sample file illustrating how to pass SKU costs as they change over time:

sku cost start_date end_date
1234 $18 7/1/23 10/24/23
1234 $19.50 10/25/23

Method 2 - Go Forward

Alternatively, clients can utilize the COGS sheet on a go forward bases.

In your mapping document input the earliest start_date that you have for a SKU and leave the end_date blank (see sample below).

sku cost start_date end_date
1234 $18 7/1/23
5678 $19.50 8/1/23

We will use the high level gross margin inputted in the cost of goods section of the app as the historical for the SKU prior to that date

Where Can I Find the Data?

This data can be exported from an ERP, product management system, or Shopify. Contact your Customer Success Rep to set up the integration.

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