Uploading Data Sets

If you are creating a new data e.g uploading a transaction or customer list for the first time, please please follow “Creating a New Data Set” section.

If you are uploading a file to an existing data set, e.g., appending new transaction records, please refer to the "How to Update an Existing Data Set" section.

Creating a New Data Set:

  1. Navigate to the Data Sets page found under Data Management in the left-hand navigation 
  2. Click the green "+ADD DATA SET" button located in the upper-right portion of the page.

  1. Under "Create Data Set Name," give the data set a name.
  2. Select the Data Set Type
  3. Select the Update Type that will be used for future updates to the Data Set
  4. Click "Choose File" and select the .csv file you wish to upload to Decile 
  5. Map the fields as needed.

Note: most personally identifiable information (PII) fields are automatically mapped, but if you have any questions, please contact dataops@decile.com

  1. Click "Done" to complete the data set creation process.

Updating an Existing Data Set:

  1. Navigate to the Data Sets page found under Data Management in the left-hand navigation
  2. Click on the Data Set that you want to update
  3. Click Upload File in the top right

  1. Click "UPLOAD DATA SET" to upload the updated file.


If you have any questions, contact dataops@decile.com with "Uploading Data" in the subject line. 

You can also check out our Data File Guidelines below for more information on the data sets Decile supports. 

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