Post Acquisition Window

Post Acquisition Explained

The Post Acquisition Window in Decile is a way to standardizes customer analysis by creating apples to apples comparison of customers who were acquired at different times.

For example, if you are doing an analysis of customers acquired in at the beginning of the year with a 3 month post acquisition window the only customers that will be represented in the post acquisition metrics are customers acquired in January. Customers acquired in February and March would not be included until they had been with the brand for a least three months. Below shows examples of the three month Post Acquisition timeframes for different months

Customer Acquired Month 3 Month Post Acquisition Window
January 2023 January - March 2023
February 2023 February - April 2023
March 2023 March - May 2023

In Decile we have Post Acquisition Windows which cover different lengths of time as short as 1 month and as long as 24 months. You can apply the logical above to every timeframe.

What are the benefits of utilizing the Post Acquisition Window?

Post Acquisition Window allows businesses to standardize customer analysis and to accurately compare the behavior of newly acquired customers. Without applying a post acquisition window analysis may be skewed for certain metrics for example repurchase rates will appear lower if a large group of recently acquired customers are included in the calculation and older customers will always appear more valuable since their purchasing window has been open the longest.

Next Steps

Ask your Decile Customer Success Manager how you can begin utilizing post acquisition windows to better understand your business.

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